Thursday, June 12, 2008


I was tagged by Well I Do Declare. Here goes the routine:

1. I don't eat milk in my cereal. It's not that I don't like milk, it's just that soggy cereal makes me gag. If I'm eating good cereal, like Cinnamon Toast Crunch, I just eat it plain. If I'm eating healthy cereal, though, I usually mix it with yogurt.

2. I have had many encounters with famous people. For instance, my mom is friends with Faith Hill. Granted, they are not bff's or anything, but still. Faith and Tim (aka my lover) used to live in my neighborhood. He used to wave at me when he passed me while I was running. He pretty much wants me ;) When I was a freshman in HS, I met the Backstreet Boys...all of them...and got hugs...from all of them. I've also met Jason Priestly from 90210 (Hush!), as well as Anthony Edwards. If that last name doesn't ring a bell, he was on E.R., and, most importantly, he was "Goose" from Top Gun. Oh, and did I mention that I have kissed Justin Timberlake? Yeah, I'm totally kidding about that last one, but the others are all true.

3. I had heart surgery when I was 13. I have always been pretty active, and in middle school and high school, I cheered and danced. During 7th grade cheerleading tryouts, I was rushed to the ER because my heart wouldn't stop racing. Turns out, my resting heart rate was 330 beats per minute...just a little bit above avergage!!! (I think it was actually a record) The doctors did all kinds of case studies on me. I had surgery a few months following that initial scare, and now I'm cured!

4. This is really random. Currently, we have a coyote problem at my parents' house. We don't live in the boonies or anything, but our house backs up to woods, and the scary things are everywhere! They've actually killed 5 0r 6 dogs in my neighborhood. We don't really have to worry about our dogs, for the most part. I think two labs and a pit bull could take a coyote. However, our oldest lab is 15, so if one caught her alone, it could be bad. Well, my brother, being the redneck that he is, or wants to be, has set out bait for the coyotes, and he has been sitting up in a tree stand because he is determined to kill one. Yeah, that's what I've got going on at my house.

5. I've never gotten a speeding ticket. Don't get me wrong, I've gotten pulled over a couple of times, but so far I've managed to talk my way out of a ticket. Now that I've jinxed myself, I'm sure I'll get one tonight.

6. I still have not seen Sex and the City. I know, go ahead and shoot me. It's on my to-do list for this weekend!!

I just realized that I was probably supposed to do the survey instead of six random facts...ooops! I'm too lazy to re-do my post, so I'm leaving it. I tag anyone who wants to share their celebrity encounters and rival mine :)


Anonymous said...

i have a small celebrity cousin married the base player of aerosmith. i've been to their house, but haven't actually met him. i think they are coming to my wedding. (but not performing at unfortunately...)
oh, and my fiance rode a plane with trick daddy (the rapper) and his entourage. yippy for that!

Well I Do Declare said...

I know no celebs, nor have I had any great encounters :( So sad. I will just live vicariously through you.

SinlessTouch said...

Well, hopefully you have seen Sex and the City by this time. They even released a "Mr. Big" vibrator to coincide with the vibrator.