Thursday, June 19, 2008

Facebook = Death

Let me be the first to say that I DO have a facebook account. I have made many attempts to de-activate it, but I just can't bring myself to do it for good. Well, today, in the midst of my boredom, I signed on to the ole' FB and decided to take a look at the bf's profile to see what was going on. Much to my dismay, the first wall post that I see is from some little bia--we'll refer to her as anonymous skank--that says, "Thank you so much for escorting me through the mud last night. You are a true gentleman." I know, I know...pretty innocent; however, a post like that does not sit well with me when I haven't seen the bf in almost a month, and we only talk about once each day. Does said skank know that bf is actually a bf, meaning NOT SINGLE? Does said skank know that I am willing and able to kick her fat rear end? Okay, mine may be larger, but who's comparing?? From my point of view, if I can't hang out with him, I don't think other girls should be hanging out with him :) Maybe that's selfish, but I don't really care. I wish the bf would be the "true gentleman" that he apparently is and come visit me in Nashville, but it doesn't appear as if that's going to be happening anytime soon. To get to my point (at last), my hatred for facebook is growing stronger every day, and I WILL soon delete my account! I would have been better off just not hearing about anonymous skank's little rendezvous with the bf...thank you, facebook.

Annoying part of the day #2:
I get a text from my ex bf, and here is how our conversation went...
Ex: "Need an estimate. If my brother lives off of the Old Hickory Blvd. exit of 65, how long will it take me to get to Broadway?"
Me: "15 minutes?"
Ex: "So too long for me to drive home if I've been out at the bars?"
Me: "Umm, yes." (Dumb***!)
Ex: "Ok."
About 15 minutes elapses, and I assume, as most people probably would, that the conversation is over. Then I get this text...
Ex: "Bachelor party. Stripers and all that."
I choose to remain silent, in order to avoid sending an extremely rude and distatsteful response.
Do I really give a rat's behind if you're going to a bachelor party and there are going to be strippers? Heck no, buddy.
So I have my ex bf who is annoying the living you-know-what out of me, and I have the bf, who is presently avoiding me like the plague (maybe that's an exaggeration)...marvellous.


Red and White Preppy said...

What IS it with guys and their idiocy? I will NEVER understand them...sheesh.

Butterfly in the Wolfpack said...

Yuck on both. Stupid ex, just ignore him and be thankful he's not your problem anymore. As for FB and the distance, I feel ya (for more honesty than I'm proud of on that subject, check out my blog from yesterday). If you trust bf, then don't sweat it, was probably not a big deal whatsoever. Can definitely understand your hostility towards said skank--but he's yours, not hers :) Hang in there!

The Roaming Southerner said...

UK! Technology and boys are not a good thing on so many levels. Either I get annoyed or good.

Hope your day/week gets better on this front

Jewellers Dublin said...

Totally ignore. Still think facebook is one of the greatest investyions of last 10 years (excluding all medicine and science discoveries). From engagement rings