Friday, March 26, 2010

A New - And Improved - BBSS

Lest you all thought I fell off the face of the Earth...I am back!!! I have kept up the reading of my favorite blogs, but so much has been going on in my life lately (i.e. the past 2 years!) that it just got the best of me. So, to give you a ~2 minute rundown of the past two years, here you go:

1. Out with the old, in with the new: New boyfiend (yay!), new house (yay unless you catch me on the day I'm making my mortgage payment :) new job (yay?)

2. I'm still a, not a college student - those days are long gone, sadly. I am oficially a law student, with almost one year under my belt, I might add. Yes, I said I have a job too; yes, balancing school and a full time job is miz. Yes, it will all be worth it some least that's what I keep telling myself. And you wonder why I have not posted in ages...

3. Still the most ways: I still love fashion, family, and friends; I'm still living in the south. Did I just say that as though I would actually move away?!? While many things remain the same, I would like to think that I have wisened up in more ways than one over the past two years. For instance, I have realized that some things I thought were so important in college were really just trivial . Case in point: pleasing everyone. It's impossible, so why even try? More importantly, I have learned the value of meaningful friendships. It's amazing how quickly you can grow apart from people you spent almost everyday with in college. True friends don't stop calling just because they move to different states, get married, or become too busy. Unfortunately, I have experienced that. However, that makes me appreciate my best girlfriends so much more. Finally, I have learned that I don't need to be married at age 24 to be happy. Yes, most of my friends from high school and college are married or engaged. Me? Not so much. I knew it would be hard moving back to my hometown where most of my married friends live, and at one time, I began to envy them and to think that I needed to be in a serious relationship and start planning my wedding. Well, that happened. No, I didn't get engaged, but it got close to that point. The result? I finally realized that I just happened to be the girl he started dating when he wanted to get serious. It wasn't just me that was "the one." Any girl he had started dating at that point would have been the "right" one. That is not at all how it is supposed to happen. As a result of that relationship, I have learned not to force "future" stuff. Yes, it is tempting still at times. (Hello, I am a girl!) It's especially tempting now that I'm in a great relationship. However, I have learned to just be content to be in such a good relationship with such a great person, and to forget all else. It's not worth it to spend your time wishing/hoping/dreaming about an engagement, wedding, etc. I can just enjoy the person I'm with and know that the happiness that comes from that will only build a stronger bond. Wow, I sound like I'm on something. Time to stop being all sentimental.

So now that my 2 minute update turned into a bit of a saga, you know the "new" me. I can't wait to get back to blogging! Happy Friday!! I hope all of you ladies have a great weekend!


Kiss My Tiara said...

I am SO excited that you are back!!!

SouthernBelleJM said...

I used to read your blog back in the day before you "semi-retired". haha. Glad to see you're blogging again.

Don't sweat the small stuff! I didn't meet LC til I was 28 1/2. I wouldn't have it any other way!!! I've had fun, travelled, been single, dated, did all the things I wanted to do. And as cliche as it sounds, LC came around when I least expected it. My undergrad girls were all settling down towards the end of college and getting married. I felt left out. But after all is said and done, I wouldn't change a thing. Enjoy being young and having fun:)